Quartile's Strategic Expansion into Asian Markets

Navigating New Horizons with Localized Solutions

Quartile, the leading force in e-commerce cross-channel advertising, has announced its strategic expansion into Asian markets. This move is marked by the globalization of its portal, now available in Japanese and Mandarin Chinese, with plans to extend language support to reporting features by Spring 2024.

The Asian E-commerce Boom

Asia's e-commerce landscape is thriving, and Quartile is poised to make a significant impact. By combining its AI-driven technology with local expertise, Quartile aims to cater to the unique needs of brands and sellers in the region.

Strategic Partnerships for Local Insights

  • Japan: Quartile has partnered with Legoliss Co., Ltd., a Mitsui subsidiary, to bring its advanced technology to Japanese agencies, brands, and sellers. This collaboration leverages Legoliss's deep market knowledge to enhance e-commerce advertising in Japan.
  • China: Quartile has teamed up with LTMATE Technology Co., Ltd., a comprehensive cross-border operations service provider. This partnership aims to introduce Quartile's solutions to the Chinese market, supporting brand growth and cross-border e-commerce success.
  • India: Quartile collaborates with Escape Velocity Digital Pvt. Ltd., a company with a strong presence in the Indian market. This partnership combines Escape Velocity's media technology expertise with Quartile's innovative solutions to improve advertising outcomes for Indian customers.

A Vision for the Future

Daniel Knijnik, Founder and CEO of Quartile, emphasizes the importance of this expansion:

"Our expansion into Asian markets is a significant milestone. We believe that the future of e-commerce advertising lies in understanding and catering to local needs. By partnering with esteemed resellers like Legoliss, LTMATE, and Escape Velocity, we're revolutionizing the way brands connect with consumers across Asia."

Empowering Brands and Sellers

Quartile's expansion into Asia, coupled with its portal globalization, marks a new era of e-commerce advertising in the region. By embracing local languages and forging strategic partnerships, Quartile is set to empower brands and sellers with unparalleled insights and optimization capabilities.

Ready to learn more? Read the full press release  or schedule a demo today
